Arts and Entertainment, Day One: Exploring the Brandywine Museum of Art

Today, the Arts and Entertainment Intensive Learning went to the Brandywine Museum of Art located in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. It was an hour bus ride, and we arrived there around 10:00 a.m. We walked around for a couple hours and saw an assortment of different pieces by members of the Wyeth family and many other talented artists. There were three floors in the main building. The first floor included the Millstone Cafe and a gift shop with many different items. The second and third floor were full of various art exhibitions. The art exhibits included Karl J Kuerner: The Community of Creativity, Every Leaf & Twig: Andrew Wyeth’s Botanical Imagination, and Jamie Wyeth: Unsettled. 

For lunch, we returned to the first floor to enjoy the cafe’s food. There was an assortment of many different pastries and meals to choose from.

After lunch, we got back on the bus to enjoy another hour ride home. We arrived by 2 p.m. and took the rest of the afternoon to relax and reflect. 

2024 Programs, Arts & Entertainment 2024