Scottsdale: Goodyear Ballpark and Old Town

After a spirited game last night against the top-rated lacrosse team in Arizona, the team worked out this morning for a few hours at the hotel fitness center,  then …

We all headed out to Goodyear Ballpark to watch the Texas Rangers take on Mr. Hager’s beloved  Cleveland Indians. Too bad for Mr. Hager, but his poor Indians could not match up with the powerful Rangers. One bit of good news for the Tribe is that Nick Swisher has gained several new fans from New Jersey. Especially Tyler Mills who Nick gave a big shout-out to.

After the boiling heat of the baseball game several of us traveled to Old Town Scottsdale to shop and learn about Native American art. This turned out to be every bit as fun as the ball game; thanks to CJ and the expert navigating of Dan Zeiberg, everyone returned home safety.

Now off to In and Out Burger and Sushi for dinner and a good night sleep>>>>

2014 Experiences, Lacrosse Service Trip,