Blacksmithing Day 3: Howard said, “The fire was hot.”

At the end of the day two smiths worked together to make the “Sussman C”, inspired by activity they did before reading The Scarlet Letter. In class, they had considered the possibility of being punished for cheating by wearing a metal C and the morals behind it. So they created a “C” by bending a straight rectangular piece of metal into a curve, then adding intricate twirls in the metal to represent moral complexity, or something. The finished treasure was attached to a chain so it can be worn with pride by Mr Sussman for all time!

Earlier that day…

We arrived at the Harriton House around 10:00 am, bringing some new materials for the day, and headed right over to the forges. Starting the five forges was difficult, and the strong wind in the morning made it even more so. Once we managed to get the fires going, people finished up some of their projects from yesterday and began working on some larger, more ambitious pieces.

In the middle of the day, people took turns going in to the house and eating lunch. In an attempt to keep all of the forges lit, people ate lunch quickly then ran back. We also established two different groups that would eat so the forges were never left unattended. Luckily, no forge lost its flame during lunchtime. After everyone came back out from eating lunch, Mr. Thomson set up the grill and we all started to grill foods that we brought like sausages, s’mores, bagels and in one case a surprisingly good apple. People came to the grill on and off throughout the 2 hour period. A few people stayed inside after eating lunch so they could work on their woodworking. One person made a handle, another made a bowl, and others made something else.

Om closed the door, and will reopen it again tomorrow. Stay tuned.

2019 Experiences, Blacksmithing 2019