Day Two, Bayshore Trip

After the tour yesterday we were ready to start working. Today we worked on sanding different parts of the masts for the boat. In total we sanded close to 5 masts. This was to prep the masts for the varnish tomorrow so that the new varnish will stay on the wood for a while. Then we went over to the pulley station where we had to disassemble the pulleys and then sand the pulleys to also prep them for the varnish. We got a lot of work done today though, a whole week’s worth in a couple of hours so we had time to start the varnish today, which will save us time for tomorrow.

The expected weather for this trip was to be very cold and possibly rainy, however so far these two days the weather has been perfect, somewhat warm and there were hardly any clouds in the sky. The nice weather is making the experience more enjoyable for us, which is great. We are getting so much work done that we are going to run out of things to do! We are excited to move on with this project and cannot wait until it all comes together.