Our Wonderful Literary Journey

Our last day in England was one to remember: we returned to the village of Haworth, home of the Bronte sisters. We took a 5-mile hike out into the moors that the sisters would have done daily (in long dresses, no less!). Our guide, Martin, read us Emily Bronte’s poetry about the moors as we stood in the very spot that inspired her. The views at the Bronte waterfall were spectacular.

After a few hours of hiking we had worked up an appetite so we returned to Haworth for lunch and some time visiting local shops. The hands-down favorite was a lovely little used bookshop that had lots of beautifully bound works by the authors we spent the week learning about.

We then got back on our trusty bus, which some of us have taken to calling “the womb” or “the nap bus” because it’s so good at lulling all of us to sleep. We took a two-hour drive to Crewe, a town near Manchester, to spend our final night before heading to the Manchester airport tomorrow morning. We’re exhausted and most of our suitcases are a bit heavier than when we started (too many books!), but we’re all coming home excited from our wonderful literary journey.

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