Excursión MFS — Dance Lessons

Estilo Dance Studio

Before the day started, we stopped at Wawa to get some energy for our two-hour dance lesson. We went to Estilo Dance Studio to learn about and try some traditional Latino dances. We learned to dance the salsa, meringue, and bachata. After each session we learned about the origin of each dance. For example, salsa originated in Cuba, and many cultures have added on their own twist to the music. The instructor was very nice, and taught us many new moves that were extremely fun!!! He started to challenge us as we improved the basic step.

After our lesson, we traveled to City Avenue to eat lunch at Sardi’s Pollo a la Brasa. They served us delicious Peruvian broiled chicken. The whole day was great!!!
-Megan and Renna



2017 Experiences, Excursión MFS