The Final Day of Blacksmithing

Today, Jack, Christian, and Jakob worked diligently on household utilities such as a fireplace poker and a spatula. Bruce brought the cows over to the forge area to keep us company and to graze new lands. Some brave blacksmiths even went over to confront the animals and became friends.

Liz, Robbie, Roman, and Tanay worked attentively on their projects. For example, Liz finished making something for her boyfriend. Robbie’s chisel unfortunately melted in half, but was able to finish with a smaller chisel than originally planned. Roman made a  handy marshmallow hook which added to his collection of utensils. Tanay worked on his key, but was unable to finish with the given time.

Lauren and Roman walked around the area, discovering the creeks, wells, and ponds. The bus driver Bob joined in on the fun. He made a bracelet and was very happy he could participate and learn alongside of us.

Tomorrow, the group is going to feast in a glorious breakfast. Also, the group is going to spend time designing t-shirts. This week was fun, and everyone wishes it could start over again!