First Thoughts from the MFS Hikers

20140321-083758.jpgHike em! – Ms. Robinson

We  can’t wait for all the friends we’re gonna make!!- David and Alex

Where exactly are we going anyway? – Katie

I have no words. – Skylar

I’m just waiting to trip and fall on my face. Just you wait, it’ll happen … a lot. -Luke

I’m really hoping for no broken bones this week -Natalia

I’ve never been hiking before so I’m excited! -Lara

Why have we not left yet? -Katherine

I hike to survive. Years of training have prepared me for this moment. I must look to my ancestors for guidance. It is times like these when I ask myself: “Who am I? Who am I without the trail? WHO. AM. I.” PS I’m really excited to garden in Camden today.   -Aliya

This is quite literally going to be the best week of our lives. Hiking and long road trips. The two best combinations. Also gardening is good. -Emily

Trail is love. Trail is life. PS: “I think I’ve mad a huge mistake. (GOB)” -Megan

We are pumped for some gardening today and we can’t wait to get on the trail. -John and Armon

2014 Experiences, Hiking on the Appalachian Trail