From Art to Water

Yesterday we had a fun-filled day. First we went to the Art Museum and then we went to the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center.  The first thing we did at the Art Museum was eat lunch. Lunch was very delicious. Then we had some time to check out a few of the exhibits. The European Art from the 1500s to the 1800s was very interesting. There were armor and weapons and shields from that time, and they were all very cool. In the modern art room there was a urinal on a pedestal, and to Eric, it was a disappointment to see this viewed as art. We discussed the deeply philosophic question: What is art? We saw one of Jane’s favorite art pieces, Breakfast by Henri Matisse. We also discussed The Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso. The modern art was loved by some and hated by others. Next we went to the Water Works. It was interesting to see how the water was transported around the city in the past.