GYLI: Rock Climbing & Final Reflection

Today was a long day for us at GYLI. We left MFS and went to Elite Climbing for the day. After we had a quick training, everyone was scrambling up the various climbing wall. Although the rock climbing is really challenging because most of us have never tried this, and we were all really exhausted, we still had a lot of fun.

Then we played some games like Bridge, Animals, and Lava. In the Lava, we stepped on rocks in order to pass through the lava and if people fell off the rocks, we had to start over. During all the games, members collaborated with each other in order to win, and everyone played a role as a leader. After all that fun things, we had pizza together. Unfortunately, it took an extra 30 minutes because Ollie took twelve and a half hours to eat 2 slices of pizza.


Overall, this week during GYLI we learned many life lessons about leadership. We created new friendships and were able to open ourselves up to each other. On Monday, we took personality tests to determine whether we were guardians, artisans, idealists, or rationalists. We ate mac and cheese and played cards to bond. On Tuesday, we we made soup and bread as well as played with the frisbee. We talked about the different cultures of MFS and played some more cards. On Wednesday, we visited Camden at the Center for Environmental Transformation and ate lunch at Akira. On Thursday, we documented our fulfilling experiences in our notebooks. Finally, we spent today at the rock climbing gym and concluded the week as a happy group.