Herzlich Willkommen from Frankfurt

Dauth-Schneider restaurant
Our Intensive Learning journey started with a 7-hour flight to Frankfurt from Philadelphia International Airport. After a typically efficient German welcome, we were off in our tour bus with our new friend and guide, Lynn. She gave us a brief introduction to the city of Frankfurt, and immediately let us roam around the Frankfurt train station, where we got our first taste of Germany’s unique cuisine. We then proceeded to explore commercial Frankfurt, with stops at the Nicholas Cathedral  and the St. Katherine Cathedral. After these viewings and another break for exploring the local cuisine, we went on a tour of the Eintracht Frankfort stadium. We were guided through nearly every corner, locker, and office of the stadium by our guide Mattias and after had a bountiful family dinner at a local restaurant.

Commercial Bank stadium


2016 Experiences, Math and Science in Germany