MFS at One of the New Seven Wonders of the World!

We woke up and had our final breakfast at the “House Hotel” in Calca where we have been staying for the past four days. After breakfast we packed our backpacks with clothes and more for the next two days as we will not have access to our suitcases. The excitement of our new adventure began to set in.

We got on our bus and drove one hour to the train station in Ollantaytambo. We boarded the train and embarked on the scenic journey of two hours, which was filled with lively convos, boxed lunch of chicken or beef sandwiches, and a mid-ride performance displaying native Inca culture.

We arrived in the town of Machu Picchu around 1 p.m. We quickly dropped our bags off in the hotel and ventured to the bus station where we took a 25-minute bus ride to the base of the site.

We hiked up very steep and rocky terrain to the top of Machu Picchu. We stopped two times for lots of pictures and to take in the wonderful sites. After we took some pictures we hiked down into the ruins where our tour guide gave us some background on the special place. Machu Picchu was “discovered” almost 100 years ago by Hiram Bingham. In its time Machu Picchu was occupied by about 500 Incas who used the structures for school and training.

We walked around the ruins then found a quiet place to circle up for a group Meeting for Worship overlooking an amazing view of the Andes Mountain range. We were able to reflect on this experience and all the opportunities we have been given. This time was really meaningful to us all. After we broke the silence, we finished our tour. Machu Picchu is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and it was truly an incredible experience.

We took the bus back down to the town of Machu Picchu, where we were given free time for the next hour-and-a-half to visit the busy market. Plenty of souvenirs and gifts were bought despite the rain that downpoured while we shopped.

At 7:30 we walked to dinner nearby and had an amazing three-course meal with live music from the street players. Then, we headed back to the hotel where we were briefed on the plan for tomorrow and did an activity called “Shooting Stars.” We “sent stars” to people who have positively impacted us and made the trip the special experience it has been! 

2024 Programs, Peru 2024