Peru: Lima to Cusco

After a good night’s sleep we woke and ate a buffet breakfast of eggs, fruit, bread, meat, and cheese. Then we packed all our bags and got ready to get on the bus to take us to the airport. The flight from Lima to Cusco was about 1-2 hours and was calm.

We landed surrounded by beautiful scenery with the mountains all around us. People wanted to take pictures and then we met our other guide, Rebecca. We then went to the main plaza in Cusco and ate a three-course lunch, which was amazing and included chicken or quinoa soup, trout, chicken or vegetable spaghetti, and chocolate cake or fresh Peruvian fruit for dessert.

Our guides showed us some interesting places around the plaza, helped us exchange money, and then we drove to an alpaca farm which was a very interesting/fun experience. We got to feed llamas and alpacas. Finally we went to our hotel in Calca, got settled, and had a delicious dinner of ají de gallina, a Peruvian comfort food that is like chicken stew. We later bonded over a bonfire and settled on some agreements for the trip. After a quick game of Uno, we were ready to go to sleep.

By Elijah and Max

2024 Programs, Peru 2024