Puerto Rico, Day One — Beach & bonding at the Big Yellow House

A Great First Day in The Big Yellow House!

We got to school at 6 am, drove to Philly, and got onto the plane around 10:00 am. The plane ride was really fast, and we made friends with the crew that worked on the plane. We even got to take cool pictures in the cockpit! Once we got to Puerto Rico, we ate pizza and then went straight to the beach. We played a group game of football on the beach, and that was super fun. The weather was so nice and we really enjoyed/missed soaking in the sun! Being here in Puerto Rico has really made us realize that we need the summer to come around faster.

After coming back to the Big Yellow House, which is actually big AND yellow, we ate delicious rice, salad and chicken/salmon and then did some bonding activities. The activities really helped us figure out what we hope to gain from this amazing trip. We cannot wait for day two and to actually complete some service! Yay Puerto Rico!!!

        ⁃       Nia, Natalie, Roni, and Av

2022 Experiences, Puerto Rico Hurricane Maria Relief 2022