Quilting: A Visit to Olde City Quilts

Wednesday was the third day of Quilting for Intensive Learning, and we went to Olde City Quilts in Burlington to quilt our projects. We used long-arm machines to sew the three layers (the top, the batting, and the backing) of our quilts together and make it more like a complete product. The task looked daunting at first, but soon my partner and I were able to correctly use the machine. We practiced skills like basting and worked hard until the afternoon. We made pretty spirals into the quilt to hold the layers together. Everyone ended up with unique patterns that made our designs look like actual quilts. This activity was a great confidence booster. Then, we ended the day with a trip to the restaurant Legend’s, which has pictures of famous celebrities on their walls and really good pizza.

2016 Experiences, Quilting, , , ,