Rugs, Rugs, Rugs!

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AJ Dunham smashing furniture sets!

The bus careened toward the Restore, our 3rd Day set to begin. There were tiles, there were asphalt shingles, and there were rugs, oh so many rugs. We started by hardily smashing furniture sets with sledge hammers. Half of the group quickly moved to the Restore’s secondary warehouse to dispose of broken pallets. One of the students felt so compelled to join in on the fun when he should have been home recuperating that he showed up of his own accord. While the majority of the group continued to work in the warehouse a pair of students loaded and unloaded several hundreds pounds of asphalt shingles. We actually interacted with a few customers to ensure they found the home products that they needed. We closed out our day loading a truck of about 50 full-sized carpets. It was an exhausting task, but it didn’t end there. After we loaded the truck we then had to unload it again into the primary Restore. I really hope someone buys all those carpets. The ship of fun sails on tomorrow as we embark on work on a Habitat house.

A few students loading tiles and sitting on the rugs as the pile was still small.
A few students loading tiles and sitting on the rugs as the pile was still small.
2016 Experiences, Habitat for Humanity, ,