Service and sustainability in Amayuelas

On the third day of the Spain trip, students connected with the surrounding area by engaging in service, exploring sustainability initiatives, and making their own dinner.

After eating a quick breakfast in the comedor, we headed out to the fields of Amayuelas to plant trees as our act of service. Students dug holes for the saplings and supplied them with water and fertilizer. It was tough work, but many of us found ourselves liking it, and in teams of two or three, we were able to plant four or five per crew.

After a short rest, we went into a seed bank, which preserves seeds to protect regional varieties and serve as a resource to locals, encouraging nutritional sovereignty. We then went closer to town to explore a farm, and we appreciated getting to see and pet a donkey, cat, and dog!

We then enjoyed lunch in the comedor before dividing into two groups to participate in pizza and pasta-making workshops. We enjoyed getting to prepare our own dinner and relaxing afterwards!

2023 Experiences, Spain: History, Language, & Culture 2023