SJ Service Day Three: Mulch, Kids, and Community

Today we went to the Neighborhood Center in Camden, we started the day off with a goal of transporting a large pile of mulch across the yard to a playground. It was hard work, but it was totally worth it when we saw the hordes of children rush to the playground.

When lunch time rolled around, we were served a meal that was made by the center’s staff and sat down for a meal with the people of the community. Six days a week the center serves lunch free of charge to the members of the community who might not have a hot, nutritious meal otherwise.

After lunch, we hit the dirt pile again for just a few more loads before we headed over to the play area to meet and play with the kids. At two o’ clock we set off for school and said bye to the kids.  The hard work in the morning was made worth it by the fun-filled afternoon with the kids.

2016 Experiences, South Jersey Service, ,