Street Photography in Philly

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Today the Exploring Art class began with a trip to Philadelphia with the goal of viewing public art and creating photographs in the genre of Street Photography.  As we left MFS by bus, a snowstorm began that would last throughout the day, cutting our mural tour short.  Despite the weather, we all had a great time taking our own photos of the city and its inhabitants.  Street Photography often documents serendipitous moments at the intersection of architectural reflections, urban detritus, and portraiture among other things.  Students were asked to be bold and ask strangers to pose, as well as to shoot-from-the-hip to covertly capture images when needed.

We wanted the people in these pictures to act naturally and express the emotions that they were feeling at the moment the picture was taken.  After a quick discussion we were able to take pictures with many of these people, however, some were hesitant to take pictures with us. In the words of Daniella, “At the end of the day, many of us realized that some of the pictures we did not think would be good ended up being the best as throughout the day everyone became much more creative with their ideas of the types of pictures to capture.”

Below is a gallery of images created today:

2015 Experiences, Exploring Art