The Four Davids

davidsCiao, Bon Giorno!

Today, we visited the Uffizi Museum and saw several interesting paintings. We especially enjoyed Filippo Lippi’s Madonna and Child, Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi, and also his Birth of Venus. At the Uffizi we examined different intricate art techniques such as painting transparent clothing.  We then went to the Galleria d’Accademia to view Michelangelo’s 18′ David.

During tonight’s class discussion we critiqued the four major sculptural renditions of David. Each version of the David had a different representation of masculinity and power. One of Donatello’s sculptures of David redefined male dominance and expanded on the ideals of problematic homosexuality of his time. His bronze sculpture is much more expressive than that of the seemingly unfinished marble sculpture. Verrocchio’s David marked a feminine idea as well. The most universally accepted David by Michelangelo depicts the commonly accepted perfect male.

We ate together at a restaurant called “Casa Toscana” where we all filled up on Italian specialties; some of us had steak but Jamal was probably the most adventurous and ate tripe.  We are looking forward to a day in Siena and San Gimignano tomorrow.

Please see our link to the promised video of the singing Zio Gi Gi.

2015 Experiences, Italian Renaissance