Arts & Entertainment, Day Three — The Harry Potter Exhibition at the Franklin Institute

Today, we went to The Franklin Institute to see Harry Potter: The Exhibition! The exhibit featured a variety of costumes and props from each of the eight Harry Potter films, as well as a series of interactive activities that made you feel like you were really living in the wizarding world! We saw wands, robes, mandrakes, and even a dragon! Each item on display had a brief description of what it was and what movie it appeared in. Every room featured a different aspect of the series, including different Hogwarts classes likes Potions, Divination, and Herbology, and big wizarding sporting events like The Triwizard Tournament and Quidditch. Throughout the exhibit, there were different activities you could complete in to gain points for your house — repot a mandrake, mix a potion, divert a boggart, etc. At the end of the exhibit, Gryffindor was in the lead! Overall, the experience was nothing short of incredible, and we all really enjoyed it!

Next, we went to the sports exhibit where we tested how fast we could run, how high we could jump, and perfected our athletic skills. Everyone took turns racing each other and competing in the different activities. The group also enjoyed surfing and the baseball pitching exhibit, which was a fan favorite. Overall the sports exhibit was one of our favorite exhibits we visited all day. 

After that, our group had a lot of built up excitement for the heart exhibit. Many of us remember it as our favorite childhood destination, and it did not disappoint. Even though we missed the sky bike, the group noted that the heart was a close second, and overall it was an entertaining experience.

Lastly, we went to the brain exhibit after lunch at the new eatery. Many people were excited to go climb around through the 18-foot neural climb, which is basically a big jungle gym that is made to look like the neurons connected in your brain. It was really fun to climb all the way to the top!

2022 Experiences, Arts & Entertainment 2022