China: Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and Olympic Park

CAM00640To start off the morning we ate breakfast at 8:30 which consisted of fried rice, fried dough, red bean bun, eggs, stir fry veggies, and fruit. After a debriefing of the day’s plans we set off for our first ride on Beijing’s subway. It was very clean, but very crowded.  When we arrived at the Forbidden City, we had a scavanger hunt.  We explored the city to answer a variety of questions, from the history of the city to asking  people wearing hats for pictures.  After the Forbidden City we went to eat lunch at the “Screaming” Duck Restuarant. We went to the Olympic Park afterwards.

2014 Experiences, China


  1. Wow, everyone back in the U.S. is really excited for the group. Have a great experience and blog whenever possible. We all are waiting for more news and photos!

  2. This is terrific! Courtney I still can’t belive that your in China! Enjoy yourself and all of the new experiences. If you get a chance to see 1st Lady Michelle Obama don’t forget to get a picture with her. I hear that she also will be in China. Loved the smile in the picture.

  3. Go Courtney Go. What a beautiful and great experience. Keep haveing fun. What a wonderful blessing.

  4. Am curious about the name of the Forbidden City. Can’t wait to hear more about it.

  5. Tiananemin Square, so much history there. The Olympic park is it pristine and how is it used today.

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