Improv with Issues: Racism and Body Image

Day Five

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"Sculpting" around issues of racism and prejudice.
“Sculpting” around issues of racism and prejudice.

Today we discussed the overt and subtle forms of racism that exist in society and in our school community. We specifically discussed the roles of aggressors and bystanders, and we focused on “jokes” and how they can have impact beyond their intentions.

We used “sculpting” to create a scene dealing with one realistic scenario and we returned to the “five frames” exercise we learned at Pig Iron Theatre’s school, this time with a focus on “stories” about experiences related to prejudice.

After lunch at La Vita’s, we returned to campus and switched topics to body image. Once again, we created scenarios that allowed us to explore options in some difficult conversations that we might have around body image issues. Throughout the day, we engaged in an activity called “values clarification” where we responded to statements about the issues and used those statements as a springboard for discussion.

2014 Experiences, Improv with Issues