Final Day of Design Thinking: Presentations and Bonding

We started off our day of Intensive Learning by doing our presentations in preparation for our final “pitches” to various faculty and staff members. Our last set of feedback from these members of the MFS community both encouraged our ideas and suggested alternative and new ways to approach the topic. We learned that the Design Thinking process is never really over, as we could have continued improving our ideas and started to implement them. Some groups even had plans to create clubs or propose other Intensive Learning projects in the future. We then learned about some of the criticisms of Design Thinking itself and the ways it could be improved. In our discussion about the DT process, we ultimately found it to be a helpful process to acquire the mindset of a designer and problem-solver.

Afterwards, we celebrated by ordering Chick-fil-A and enjoying each other’s company through board games, basketball, soccer, and other activities. 🙂 Thank you for joining us on this magical journey!

2018 Experiences, Design Thinking: Problem Solving with Purpose