Give Kids the World: Some Final Words

As I find myself in the airport reflecting on the week, I would first like to thank the parents for allowing us to take this wonderful group. They worked hard, knew how to interact with kids and adults, and they had lots of fun. It was nice not to have to be a chaperone and be able to be one of the group coming from MFS. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Katie LuBrant and Erick Cotter for their great work before and during the trip. Great trips aren’t great unless you have good adults with you. Finally, I would like to thank all of our students who signed up and went on the trip. It didn’t matter which jobs they were given each day. They smiled, made sure each family was taken care of (especially the kids), and did a great job with their timing when we needed to be leaving or meet. Having been on the other side of GKTW as a parent, volunteers make the experience, and they did. I hope the MFS students learned a little about what these families go through each and everyday, and appreciate the hard work the families do. Once again, thank you to the parents, students, MFS administration, and my colleagues for making this trip possible.

2016 Experiences, Give Kids the World, ,