Happiest Group on Earth

11:25. The ascending bell sounds. We all rise from our seats and make our way over to Hartman Hall. The journey was long, grueling, and challenging. The hot sun beat down on us as sweat beads trickled down our foreheads. But finally, we arrived.

Our first order of business was to celebrate the most important day of the year: Mr. Cotter’s [age undisclosed] birthday. In monotone voices, we all chanted the obligatory “Happy Birthday” song, then delved into learning about our duties at Give Kids the World.

Mrs. LuBrant gave us a lengthy packing list to make sure that we were all thoroughly prepared for our trip. Then, we were forced to hand over our forms of identification to Mrs. LuBrant, thus giving up each of our individual identities.

Mr. Brunswick then took his place at the front of the room, and read off an e-mail from Give Kids The World that gave the run-down on how things would work  when we got there. Every face in the room had an expression of excitement for this wonderful opportunity.

Though our specific duties have yet to be disclosed, we sure are looking forward to volunteering in sunny Kissimmee, Florida

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2016 Experiences, Give Kids the World