Low and Slow, Day Four — The Overnight Saga Begins

Today was a pretty slow day in preparation for our feast tomorrow. First thing in the morning we trimmed and rubbed our pork butts to prepare them for the 18-hour smoking time. We’re practically pros after having done the same process for our ribs on Monday. We cut up some of the scrap meat and skewered them for our lunch. (Don’t worry, we still have more than enough for smoking). We finished up pretty quickly and then refrigerated the pork butts before heading out on our daily Main Street trip. Our group spilt up in half, some to Cubby Hole and the rest to Wawa. Ben decided it’d be a good idea to stock up on cheese, splurging on a whopping three pounds of it! When we returned, Mr. Rachlin joined us around our grill as we prepared those kabobs from earlier. Meanwhile, Chelsea went on a mission to Mr. Newman’s room for a saucepan to make our Eastern North Carolina style sauce for our pulled pork. 

In the afternoon, we started prepping for our traditional southern style buttermilk biscuits. Since biscuit making is pretty techinical, we opted to measure out our ingredients in grams like true bakers. When making biscuits, it’s essential to keep the butter cold throughout the dough making process and as the biscuits go into the oven. To make it easier for us to keep the butter cold, we grated it while frozen and covered it in flour to keep it from sticking, and then threw it back in the freezer. And that was it for the biscuit prep. Since today is supposed to be the last day with decent weather, we got outside for a quick spikeball tournament — the winners were Jonah and Matt S. — as Mr. Sussman put on the pork butts for the full 18 hours (he’ll be back around midnight to check on things and add charcoal if needed). That’s a wrap on day four.

2022 Experiences, Low and Slow 2022