Low and Slow, Day Two — Preparing the Ribs

For our second day of Low and Slow, we started the day off busy. First, we unloaded Mr. Sussman’s car, which had all the rest of our materials in it, and we put them all away in the kitchen. That included about 40 pounds of meat! Then we built the mini grill that Ben had bought. Next, Mr. Sussman taught us how to light the charcoal chimney with the newspaper and charcoal. After that, we mixed all of the seasonings together to make our rub. After that, we took a walk up to Main Street where we went to Ralph’s deli to pick up some ground beef for our grilled burgers, not barbeque, but a fun lunch project nonetheless. Then we watched a video on how to prepare ribs, and then we prepared the ribs by trimming out all of the thick fat and taking the useless bones out. We put mustard on our ribs so that our rub would stick and covered them with the rub. After getting the ribs back into the fridge and cleaning up, we went out to the grills, and we cooked our burgers on the grill and made burgers for lunch. 

After lunch we came back and prepared ourselves for tomorrow’s plan. While preparing we set up the smoker by putting the papers and charcoals into the smoker for starting the cook early tomorrow morning. After that, we took a fun break from barbeque and played a little game of wiffle ball. Lastly we finished the day by watching a film on what true barbeque takes. Overall, a great second day of Intensive Learning.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to cooking and eating our ribs!

2022 Experiences, Low and Slow 2022