New Mexico: Getting to know Santa Fe

Day One

Arrival 8 pm: view of the farms and desert on the way west, took a really cute bus for an hour heading to Santa Fee from the airport. Everybody went to bed really soon after the long plane and bus rides.

After everybody had breakfast by 8 am before we walked into the nice town of Santa Fe where we took a bus to a museum of Indian arts and culture. A really friendly Native American guide introduced us after the group continued to see other parts of the museum or go hiking small beautiful trails in sight distance of the museum. We really enjoyed the view of the mountains as we sat down for lunch right next to the museum. We went to shops in the late afternoon back in Santa Fe and had a nice dinner as a group there. Many of us couldn’t believe that only the first full day had just passed – a great first day in New Mexico.

2014 Experiences, Exploring Pueblo Cultures, , ,