Our Last Day of Improv with Issues

Today we worked with our techniques on the issues of gender diversity and body image. Below are some parting thoughts about the week from our group members:

“I enjoyed the spectrum activity as it sparked vital conversations about the MFS community.”

“It was interesting how we could all understand the same concepts even though we didn’t all agree with each other.”

“I enjoyed being able to see my progression in acting and showing emotions that I don’t necessarily feel.”

“I gained an appreciation for acting and became more focused, and I learned to take what other people are saying and other people’s opinions and be more understanding and listen to them more.”

“It takes a lot of different perspectives to make a good scene.”

“I felt like I gained more of an understanding factually about certain issues and better understood their scope and how deeply ingrained they are. This was the most acting I’ve done ever, and through doing that I feel like I have a better understanding of how people with the problems that I’m lucky enough not to have react to those issues. I understood the seriousness through this hands-on method better than I could have by any other method.”

“I feel that Improv with Issues offered a unique perspective on a number of issues that are very relevant and prevalent in today’s society. Through improv, we as students at MFS were able to understand these issues better, through perspectives that might have influenced our own and brought other issues to life.”



2016 Experiences, Improv with Issues