Rabat, Meknès,  and Volubilis en Route to Fes

We started off the day early with a nice breakfast in the Morocco House Hotel in Casablanca, then got right on the bus after a room check. We drove for about 1 hour while our guide spoke to us about Moroccan culture and the ethnic makeup of the country. While listening, we were admiring the scenery, most of which is farms. On one side of the bus, flat plains with occasional areas of trees, and on the other side, and a view of the coastline in the distance. We all were still a little tired so we ended up sleeping.

When we arrived at Rabat we all started taking pictures and learned more about the Mausoleum of King Mohammed V. After about 30 minutes we got back on the bus headed for Meknès while our guide spoke to us about the Five Pillars of Islam. Then most everyone took another nap while the rest of us admired the rolling hills of the Moroccan countryside. Two hours later, after a short bathroom and coffee break, we arrived in Meknès.

We took some pictures of the gateway and walked through an indoor food market. Meat was hanging from the walls and there were various fruits and olives everywhere. We then had an impromptu encounter with a snake charmer, a man with a monkey, and an ostrich.

After, we had a lunch of tagine and started our drive to Fes. After about 1.5 hours we stopped at the ancient Roman Volubilis Ruins and walked around taking pictures and learning about the history of the ancient city. It was definitely the highlight of our day.



Once we completed the tour we got back on the bus for 3 hours until we arrived at our hotel in Fes. After a long day of mostly travel, we ate dinner and participated in a heated game of UNO before retiring for bed. 

2017 Experiences, Moroccan Highlights, ,