Today’s breakfast consisted of eggs and cheese in pita pockets with strawberries and grapes for a healthier option. After we cleaned up Barb taught us (against our will) all about dog’s anal glands 🙂 It was a good thing that we ate before that ordeal. After what seemed like an eternity of dog’s anuses we escaped school before the bomb drill.

Barb’s group went to the Burlington County Animal Shelter where we talked to Devon, a handler and trainer there. He taught us about how he trained the dogs, and how he dealt with the more aggressive dogs and helped train them to be able to get adopted. We met an adorable and energetic Pit Bull named Champ. Unfortunately he was the only dog that we got to interact with. As we walked through where they kept the dogs it was hard for us to walk out of there without all of the dogs. After that we went back to the room and made dog toys as several cats roamed around. We left with a new view on dog shelters and even some potential future volunteer opportunities.

Judy’s group went to the Animal Adoption Center shelter and helped out the best we could. We walked about 14  dogs of all different shapes and sizes, from the cute little chihuahua Lulu, to the huge lab Cherry. We even got to see some cats! The shelter had an off leash area where we also played with the dogs.

After we got back to school we all continued to make dog toys. It feels like we’ve been cutting up shirts and braiding them for 12 YEARS. IT’S NEVER ENDING. OUR FINGERS ACHE. WHEN WILL WE BE DONE?!? NEVER. BUT THE DOGS WILL LOVE THEM.

2015 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner