What a Day!

Today was busy! In  the morning we visited the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. We met an 8-week old Golden Retriever puppy, Riley. Then we learned how the dogs are kept fit to work, with stretches and exercises and how they start training dogs in basic skills like scent detection and search. The trainers...

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Dog Days

We started off our dreary Monday morning by enjoying some breakfast food and watching dog development videos (the socialization period starts around 3-4 weeks, when the pups’ eyes open and they can hear, and lasts only until about 12 weeks!). We then got on the bus and headed off to our first park, Timber Creek!...

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Today we started our adventure of DOGGO exploration.  We went to Monster Pets and learned about dog nutrition and the marketing of different foods. The presenter, a dog trainer and dog food company rep, shamed Mr. Sussman about his food choice (and advocated for a certain dog food company that employed her!) while also educating...

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Our last day with pups!

Today we traveled to Wildwood to attend a dog show. We saw lots of different types of dogs! The takeaway for our week of studying canine social intelligence is summed up in the following question, to which we asked students to respond: Canines are unique among non-human animals in establishing strong social ties with...

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Puppies on Patrol

  Today we visited the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. It is a research center that trains scent working dogs, including cancer detection dogs, diabetes detection dogs, search and rescue dogs, bomb detection dogs, and more. We got a tour of the facilities. We even got to help socialize the 8 week  old German...

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