South Jersey Service: Youth Engineering and Science

Exploration: something that everyone desires, but only a few get to grasp. So many people aspire to spend even a fraction of their lives exploring places, ideas, memories, yet barely a handful of them find the lucky key that unlocks the time for exploration. Today, the key was handed to us, as well as a hint of where the next key for our next exploration may be kept. Only today did I realize that the key isn’t hidden at all; it’s kept there right in front of you, but most people miss it because they aren’t paying attention to the present.  Only if you work hard now, in the present, will your future look bright and your past will be worthy.

Today, South Jersey Service stayed at Moorestown Friends School, taking part in diverse activities. We started the day with breakfast, some students making pancakes in various shapes and sizes (most popular was Mickey Mouse’s head). It was a great start to an amazing day that marked the last of our Intensive Learning. Later, we learned about Mr. Winter’s summer program, Youth Engineering and Science. This program was founded by Mr. Winter’s wife Kathleen Walsh, to help introduce engineering and an interest in science for the younger generation.  The program is aimed towards those kids who don’t have the money to go to Franklin Institute or other well-known places in the area in order to partake in a science program. So, for those kids, this program is amazing because it provides them with a chance to explore the science and engineering field, which will allow them to develop an interest, as well as important skills, that will benefit them inside and outside the classroom.

South Jersey Service helped test a couple of experiments that this summer’s students will implement. One project was creating a prototype of a water park, using differently sized pipes. We tested certain techniques that would cause various results (such as water pressure, height, etc.). Another project that the students helped create is a propeller for a mini helicopter. The students that created a test model took it upon themselves to name their creation: The Hungry Jack Helicopter 4.0.

Overall, the students felt that this was an amazing way to end their South Jersey Service Intensive Learning. On behalf of the members, I would like to thank Mr. Carr and Mr. Winter for joining us on the trip, and for making it memorable. They have not just supervised the trip, but have guided us throughout and have given us the opportunity of meeting new people and creating new memories, and for that we are grateful.

2017 Experiences, South Jersey Service, ,