The Fab Four

Today, day 3 of Woods to Walls, the Fab Four, consisting of Mr. Brunswick, George, Mankaran, and Ewan heroically built six out of ten benches for the outside classroom. These will go in the outdoor classroom that Kenasia, Phil, Teddy, Sagar, and Kierra also helped to build.  Despite minor setbacks, all of the groups worked hard to build the benches.  They had to cut pieces of wood and then power screw them together. At the end of the day, everyone was covered in sawdust, a visual representation of the hard work that the outside crew put in today.

The rest of the Woods to Walls group finished their first mural and started doing rough sketches for the second mural.  Rowan and Sujin worked ferociously on surprisingly impossible-to-paint clouds.  Amanda and Bradford filled in the balloons that are soaring through the sky.  Mike and Dylan drew and painted an extremely detailed plane with Snoopy piloting.  Ryan and Calum painted kites that are flowing in the invisible wind.  Caroline and Rowan finished painting the color-filled arch in the iconic symbol of a rainbow.  Robie painted the trees masterfully.

Calum is the fooseball champion and has won four titles. He has only lost twice, to Kierra and Michael. Snack was great today — Rowan brought cookie cake and her special brownies — crumbs are still smushed into the kitchen floor (but we will clean them up). Ryan brought Nutrigrain bars, and Ewan brought chips (how basic?). Kierra supplied drinks for the day, with a 2 liter of ginger ale, and Brisk iced tea, along with a pack of bottles of water.

All in all day three was a success!!

2015 Experiences, Creativity and Design: Woods to Walls