A Very Happy Ending

This entire Intensive Learning has been an wild adventure. From painting under sea murals to building outdoor classrooms, this Intensive Learning has been a great one. On the inside of the green leaf mansion, the students worked on and  completed two different murals. The first mural depicted a lovely outdoor scene that included trees, clouds, Snoopy...

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The Fab Four

Today, day 3 of Woods to Walls, the Fab Four, consisting of Mr. Brunswick, George, Mankaran, and Ewan heroically built six out of ten benches for the outside classroom. These will go in the outdoor classroom that Kenasia, Phil, Teddy, Sagar, and Kierra also helped to build.  Despite minor setbacks, all of the groups worked hard...

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The Defeat of Agatha

Today we started off by splitting into two groups; one stayed indoors and began painting the mural and the other went outside to clear the area for the outdoor classroom. The crew that stayed inside worked on the sky mural.  They finished the sketching and began painting trees and clouds.   By the end...

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