Puppies on Patrol

Socializing Bobbie
Socializing Bobbie
day 4 137
Training to detect diabetes
day 4 041
How cute is Bobbie
day 4 173
Helping prepare for inspection
day 4 209
McBain has a 98% ovarian cancer detection accuracy rate

day 4 036  day 4 194 day 4 230

Today we visited the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. It is a research center that trains scent working dogs, including cancer detection dogs, diabetes detection dogs, search and rescue dogs, bomb detection dogs, and more. We got a tour of the facilities. We even got to help socialize the 8 week  old German Shepard puppy, and we tried to help with the Malinois puppy (12 weeks). We also saw two dogs being trained as diabetes detection dogs. We helped prepare for an upcoming inspection and unloaded dog mattresses. Some quotes:

The puppy was so cute.

We were so surprised at how quickly the dogs responded to commands.

The 8 week old puppy even sat before going out the door.

The rubble pile was so carefully designed with tunnels for people to hide in. Barb wanted to hide.

Some of us would like to work there.

2016 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner, ,